Example: for a large public transport company, we have updated the primary project at a deep level that it has been pursuing for decades. Bolder, more fundamental, more powerful and more lasting than anyone could have imagined, this authentic raison d’être authentic re-enacts inspiration for all and allows to align the commitments of all in a common direction meeting the greater good.
Identify the authentic purpose of a large company

Give a company a 50-year vision
Example: a prominent French luxury house asked us to feature the next 50 years of the brand.
To meet this exceptional request, we have carried out an analysis of the genetic invariants that form the basis of its singularity. We have linked them to anthropological principles dating back more than 15,000 years. Through their projection into the future, we have uncovered new perspectives. Some have even had a direct impact on decisions made in the very short term.

Disruption Activator: generate a project with a strong societal impact
What could be more effective in generating projects with a strong societal impact than being inspired by the greatest? For example, we have fully modeled Elon Musk's unique creation process (success scenario), and we use it to make leaders imagine powerful scenarios. In less than an hour, thinking like Elon Musk, helped fantastic projects to see the light, as several recent experiences we have proved it.

Set up a governance of the singularity of the company with a HRD
Example: we have been called by a large international logistics company to engage in an in-depth exploratory reflection.
At the end of the study of its singularity, we were commissioned to support it in many areas of application such as management, marketing, development and innovation. Today, we are installing specific governance to guarantee the sustainability of this singularity, through training and a set of innovative internal initiatives.

Relaunch a brand challenged by a competitor thanks to its uniqueness
Example: we have established an analysis of the singularity of the brand and the group of a key French telephone operator.
From that analysis emerged a completely renewed competitive strategy. We then used the collective intelligence of the executive committee and a large number of collaborators to orient the repositioning of the brand, as well as the transformation of branding, communication and offer strategies. These elements formed the basis for the success of the relaunch.

Allow a brand to find its territory of singular expression
Example: we conducted a reflection on the singularity of a major insurance company, through the analysis of its internal culture and its success scenario.
After having identified the key elements of its added value for its customers, we were able to define a new brand platform. In close cooperation with their advertising agency, we have supported this company in setting up its new communication territory. The employees were enthusiastic, and the campaign has become sustainable over the following years.

Support a CEO with the theory of singularity in the transmission of his business
Example: a regional entrepreneur has set up a process for transferring the company to his management team. To be sure that the spirit which he had infused in the company for many years, and which had made the difference and the success of the company in its market, would be preserved, has called on singularity. The singularity platform shows that employees are the carriers of this spirit and it leads them to take a series of structuring decisions to perpetuate it.

Analyze the uniqueness of a corporate culture
Example: we conducted an analysis of the corporate culture of a large mutual insurance company based on its singularity and have identified the "genetic invariants" that characterize it.
The diagnosis demonstrated the consistency of many practices, but also some weaknesses and shortcomings. Our intervention and our method made it possible to define a set of operational transformation missions.

Help an executive to adjust his singularity core to that of his company when it is different
Example: the director of a large company consulted us on the optimal conditions which should be met to put his own singularity at the service of that, different, of his service company.
Through our support, we have given him access to the understanding of his unique contribution and his role in this organization, based on the rules of successful interaction between their respective singularity cores.

Create a powerful city project thanks to the uniqueness
Example: a large city used singularity to identify new sources of enhancement of its attractiveness and the development of new services. Its representatives discovered that the attachment to the city and the culture of its citizens were strongly linked to its singularity, which gives new keys to reading and a path for action.